Research Groups and Collaborations

Luddy research groups

Our office creates and maintains marketing materials in support of Luddy faculty and their research groups. Promotion of Luddy research supported by the ADR’s office includes electronic, print and video materials that highlight the depth and breadth of faculty research interests.

All faculty are represented in one or more of the 21 research groups currently active at Luddy. Six groups cut across all departments in our School (Computer Science, Informatics, Intelligent Systems, and Information & Library Science) and the remainder function primarily intra-departmentally. We maintain both print and electronic materials that describe the work and faculty within each group. You can find a display of these materials outside the Dean’s suite on the third floor in the Luddy Building.

Here is a list of the currently functioning research groups at Luddy:

Cross-cutting research groups

Intra-department research groups

We also produce videos in support of these groups consisting of an overview of the group and faculty interviews. To date, the Research@Luddy series has produced videos for all of the linked research groups. If you would like us to produce a video in support of your research group, please email with the subject line “Research Group Video.”


Over the years, Luddy faculty have developed rewarding partnerships with other universities, private industry and governments. We would like to keep better track of these valuable partnerships so that we can be sure to keep and embellish old relationships and cultivate new ones.

If you have any suggestions for partnerships with others (universities, private industry, nonprofit organization or government) that would advance your research, please email and we will follow-up with you.