The ADR’s office provides a variety of services to support faculty success. Workshops addressing contracts and grants, compliance, faculty recognition and other topics of interest to Luddy researchers; providing assistance to faculty in managing their publications; managing the process for participant incentive payments; supporting research at events; keeping up with opportunities for professional recognition; and providing support letters for campus awards are among our services to faculty.
The ADR office can provide support for proposal effort, particularly for the large-scale proposals (e.g. AI institute, NSF Expeditions, Frontiers, MURI, Center-level NIH proposal, ect.) on a case-by-case basis.
Internal Opportunities
IU's campus and university research offices offer numerous internal funding programs to support development of faculty research and creative activities. Our office keeps track of these internal opportunities and works to match Luddy faculty with these opportunities.
Support letters are required from the ADR for most internal grants. If you wish to apply for an internal grant, please draft a letter describing the project based on the grant requirements. Send this draft to with the subject line “Internal Grant Support Letter,” for ADR review and signature. Please be sure to allow a minimum of one week for this review.
Note: Any joint proposal effort made by Luddy faculty with external or other IU internal agencies, such as sharing of ICR, must be approved by the ADR office.
External Grants
IU provides several portals for monitoring external grants and other funding opportunities:
- Pivot is a comprehensive worldwide funding database, to help you locate funding from external sources to support your work. No need to run the same search over and over – you can set up individualized searches, and receive one weekly email that lists all the new opportunities from those searches.
- "Limited Submissions." IU's Vice President for Research oversees the Limited Submission Program, which enables us to ensure that when a funding agency places restrictions on the number of proposals IU allowed to submit, that limitation is not exceeded. A listing of the current Limited Submission Opportunities is available on their website.
Human Subject Incentives
Research involving human subjects frequently requires participant payment. Luddy researchers can arrange for various forms of actual and electronic participant payment incentives through our office.
Only Luddy faculty designated as Principal Investigator (PI) on a project can apply for ADR participant incentive funds. If you need any form of participant incentive funds, please complete this form at least 10 days in advance of your requirement.
Over the past few years, the ADR office has offered a variety of workshops for faculty, students, and staff on topics of interest to Luddy researchers. Some of the recent workshop topics include information about contracting with various U.S. government departments (notably DoD, and NSF), IRB compliance, NSF CAREER awards, and commercialization.
We would like to know about ADR workshop topics that might interest you. Email and give us your ideas.
Promoting books
“The Luddy Review” is a dynamic display of faculty publications. The display case can be found just outside the Executive Conference Room on the third floor of Luddy Hall. We also have a collection of books authored by current and past faculty available for loan.
If you have a full-length book, or a chapter in a book, please let us know where we can purchase your book by emailing with the title and source. Please be sure to include:
- Title of your book
- All authors
- Publication date
- Publisher and distributor
The ADR maintains a small budget that can be used at his discretion to fund faculty special events. We will provide funding for events up to $500 or a 50% match of faculty fundraising up to $2,000.
Digital Measures Activity Insight (DMAI), available through, is used by faculty to manage their activities, including recording publications. The ADR office can provide ongoing assistance to faculty in entering their publications into DMAI upon request.
If you would like DMAI assistance, please email Give us your full name, department, email address and describe your request. We will follow-up with you to get the necessary permissions in DMAI.

Broadening Participation in Computing
The vision of the Luddy School is of a community committed to diversity as a core strength and as a principle for maximum innovation, creativity, pedagogy, and scholarship.